Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Buon Viaggio Celebration... Planning Underway!

RSVP to gabrianam [AT] gmail [DOT] com for the address!
The watercolor background of this graphic invitation was painted by Mama Jude herself during a previous trip to Venice, Italy. You can read about her past adventures and see more of her gorgeous work on her blog, Giuddittalia. When she's feeling up to it, Jude will also blog about our upcoming special trip and both of our blogs will feature her beautiful artwork!

The rest of the graphic invitation was my pleasure to create for My Amazing, Memorable Mama! The graphic prints are a tribute to her love of fonts (yeah, I come by my geek chic honestly); and it includes her favorite Venetian image: the gondoliers symbol, along with the Italian flag and edges reminiscent of a postage stamp! Besides the digital version, we printed them on cardstock, folded and sealed them with a gold wax Fleur-de-lis, and sent some as postcards (we've always loved doing arts and crafts projects together).

At the Buon Viaggio (Italian for Good Travels) celebration, we'll have a large birthday banner for everyone to decorate and sign, which we'll then roll up and take to Italy to decorate Mama Jude's Venice bedroom. We'll be in Venice for her 70th birthday so please join us for a little early celebrating!

More trip and party details to come! Please help sponsor Mama Jude's Last Wish Trip to Venice, Italy. We greatly appreciate any and all support! L'chaim! A Venezia!

My Amazing, Memorable Mama

Mama and Me
My Mama is just adorable. She glows with an inner excitement for life, even amid debilitating cancer treatments. I realize I'm biased as her daughter, but in truth she's always been "cool" (though very strict when I was a kid). She's done so many things and lived such a varied and rich life, in which I feel honored to have had a role.

Born in San Francisco, my mom is actually just past the Boomer category, but she had me late in life, landing me betwixt Gen X and the Millennials. It's always just been the two of us and we share a special bond (but don't let that fool you, we bicker and grate each other's nerves like any other mother-daughter on occasion). But when it comes down to it, we have the same nerdy sense of humor, quirkiness and passion for life. I was raised to believe in the importance of education, equality, kindness, tolerance and justice, the best-quality fresh produce at local farmers' markets, and a love of reading and the arts. There were always crafts projects and a huge box of costumes and theater makeup around and Mama encouraged the wildest of outfits (embarrassing photos of which there are simply too many to destroy).

Grandma and Me, photo taken by Mama
A Renaissance woman, my Mama throws herself into her interests and learns them as an expert. She inspired a love of Shakespeare in her Bay Area elementary school students; backpacked around Europe and taught English in Spain for 4 years (yep, she was a Hippie); was a pioneer in the tech world as an early member of The WELL, birthplace of the online community movement (I've fond memories of playing with Howard Rheingold's daughter Mamie at The WELL parties in the 80s); created a beautiful graphic chart of the order of the Jewish service still used at our local synagogue after helping found a local reconstructionist/renewal minyan (Jewish prayer group); led an Elders Camp one of the several years she attended Burning Man and created an inspired bustier business; took evening and weekend classes to earn her Masters Degree in Instructional Technology and worked for Apple Computer; studied her Bat Mitvah a few years before my own; won photography awards for her stunning black-and-whites she developed in our basement darkroom; served on the Jewish Film Festival committee; learned to play the ukulele on the beach in Santa Cruz; knit her own sweaters and hats; studied the moon's progression across the sky and natural herbal medicine; became besotted with extended trips exploring the canals of Venice, Italy; and so much more. She shared her passion for live theater with me (we loved Les Miserables and even read the book together when I was 8 ― yeah, I was a weird kid), and we're now yearly regulars at Shakespeare Santa Cruz (SCC)...
Charles Pasternak, SSC The Three Musketeers
From one of Jude's favorite SSC actors and new friends, Charles Pasternak:
Dearest Jude, It was such a pleasure to meet you last week. Thank you so, so much for all your kind words. It's such a pleasure to know that one's work is appreciated and that there are wonderful people such as yourself keeping this beautiful theatre alive!

Mama Living in Spain in the 1970s
Besides all these varied interests and accomplishments, she was a devoted and supportive mother I always celebrated her on both Mother's and Father's Day as she did the work of both and made it look easy (save her frustrating, though understandable obsession with stir fry). She's got a fantastically organized mind and can make beautiful sense where others see confusion, precisely why this brain cancer and its ill effects have been so difficult. She's a problem-solver, longtime DIY proponent and allover dynamo. My dearly departed grandmother Mema was described as zippy and my mother certainly did not let that light go out. Similarly, Mama now talks to everyone and makes new friends everywhere, just as Mema did.

Mama's Bat Mitzvah Party on our Deck
As a Jewish single mother, she was Olympicly overprotective. She raised me on her own without any paternal or familial support back in a time when single mothers were shunned at best ― long before single parent community services or networks were available. There were difficult times, but despite it all, she strived to provide a childhood filled with cultural activities, camping in nature, dance and other sports, community service, gifted programs, classes, arts and crafts, Judaism, technology and more. She worked a lot to provide these opportunities, and I cherish them along with the times we sat on the couch watching Golden Girls or bike-riding around the neighborhood. My mom is an AMAZING woman. (Don't misunderstand, we also drive each other totally crazy, but the love is deeper and stronger. It's not an easy caregiver role reversal.) But it's not just me that sees her special light:
Recent email Jude received from a friend...
I swear, you have a magical way of impacting people you speak with. I think they feel your sincerity and interest, and warm to it. You are memorable! Hold that close to your heart in gloomy times, Jude.

In Burning Man costumes
Perhaps you're wondering why I'm sharing the story of my amazing, memorable mama. To be honest, it seemed the world should know just how special she is before she is gone. Mama has Anaplastic Hemingiopericytoma, a WHO Grade 3 brain cancer that's extremely rare, aggressive and malignant. Doctors weren't able to surgically remove all of the tumor, and 6 weeks of radiation treatments really just seemed to make her symptoms worse but stabilized the cancer, though was the likely culprit of her minor stroke and seizures causing her major decline of the last 6 months. To say this last year-and-a-half has been difficult would be a major understatement, and we would not have survived without our sweet healing dog, Abby (a Boston Bull Pug Medical Alert Service Dog who's cosmically glued to Mama's side).

I'm grateful Mama has been able to enjoy so many experiences in her life, yet it feels much too early and I am deeply sad that she will likely not get to experience being the mother-of-the-bride or a grandmother. I'm sad for both of us. Until Mama was diagnosed, she was a thriving, sprightly, vivacious, tech-savvy, fiercely independent, quick-humored senior who scoffed at the age label, but loved the discounts.

Mama in Golden Gate Park several years ago
Mama's symptoms have been getting worse, but doctors simply don't know much about this kind of cancer (except that it can come back and multiply in a week). We try to focus on the positive and on the time we have together now. We take walks, talk about mementos from life as we sort through the house, and enjoy a bit of escape into our favorite TV programs... we watch #SayYestotheDress and talk about what styles would look best when my time comes and she's not there, which sometimes makes us cry, but still feels important; we watch #CakeBoss and oooh-and-ahhh at the fantastical, tasty creations; and we love #JonStewart, #JimmyKimmel, #Ellen, #SoYouThinkYouCanDance, #NCIS (Abby is named for their #AbbySciuto), FlashMobs on YouTube, and more (but no, we don't spend all day watching TV).

Luckily, Mama's Neuro-Oncologist (brain cancer specialist) and Neurologist have given the medical okay to take #MamasLastWishTrip2Venice and we plan on spending a month in her beloved city culminating in her 70th birthday there. Finding an apartment that's essentially handicap-accessible with views of a canal from sitting inside seemed near impossible, but finally we were able to get the perfect place for our special trip with the help of ViewsOnVenice. We're now working on securing the flights we need to be on, but we're short on necessary miles (any #United or #Continental miles donations would be hugely appreciated). We've decided: SCREW BRAIN CANCER, WE'RE GOING TO VENICE, ITALY!

Mama sharing her watercolors with a new friend in Venice
Why Venice? Mama became enamored with Venice several years ago, writing a blog called Giuditta in Italia, and painting watercolors of her beloved city. This is a very special trip for us, and a special thing to share with all of you (if anyone's there...) Please follow our progress on Twitter @gabriana
and local friends are welcome to Buon Viaggio celebration we'll have a couple weeks before we leave... graphic invite to come! We'll be blogging and sharing lots of photos so subscribe already to both of our blogs and connect with us on social media, we'd love to hear from you!   :)

Thanks for your ♥ and support!

By the way, if anyone knows #JohnnyDepp, who also has a deep affection for Venice, please extend an invitation for a spritz in Venice! You never know, right?

Later Developments:
Since United Airlines refused to accommodate the many generous air miles donations that poured in from friends and strangers alike (cap=15k/person/year), we set up a secure, free YouCaring.com site for those who'd like to Help Sponsor Mama Jude's Last Wish Trip to Venice, Italy. We greatly appreciate any and all support and encouragement during this difficult time!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lil' Nosy Parker Favorites

Abby ♥ Santa Cruz (Photo Credit: Gabriana)

Top Products for your Best Friend

(aka your Dog)

We all have our favorite must-have products. My beloved sweet Abby, a 5-year-old rescued Boston Bull Pug, who's a natural Lil' Nosy Parker with miraculous healing powers, is no different. Here are a few of our favorite things to enhance your human-dog bond and create ease on your travels...

Making Kisses Sweeter
Abby, bless her heart doesn't bark, bite or chew, but she loves to lick. This would perhaps be less of a problem, if it weren't for her horrible breath! We tried many different treats, preferring to stick to the most natural or organic products made in the U.S. (locally, if possible). Hands down, the winner was Ark Naturals Breath-less Brushless Toothpaste.
Photo Credit: Ark Naturals
We LOVE Ark Naturals all-natural wellness and remedy products for pets. There are three sizes for these treats, but the big ones work the best (they're $18.95 online, but stores tend to mark them up several dollars). To be honest, I can't always afford these treats, and I notice a huge difference in Abby's breath and teeth cleanliness. Anyway, part of what is so wonderful about these treats is that they're two-fold ― the outside has ridges that scrub the teeth and the inside has the toothpaste to clean and protect (see picture). Each of these are great on their own, but together they make the ultimate dogie-breath-freshener. My Boston, with a delicate digestive system, loves these fabulous treats; they're easy to chew, easy to digest, made of natural ingredients, and they actually work!

Daily Conveniences
Photo Credit: Bamboo Pet
There are 3 small items I've got attached to an awesome (think pink, dog-bone-shaped) carabiner clip hooked onto Abby's leash for daily handiness: a collapsible water bowl, a container of poop bags and a mini hand sanitizer. There are plenty of portable water/food bowls, but I much prefer Bamboo Pet's Silicone collapsible version, (rather than the oilcloth-fabric bowls, which I found to leak if left for shy dogs to drink on their own time); they're also eco-friendly, odorless and non-toxic. This portable, lightweight bowl dries quickly, folds flat (fits in your pocket) and makes hydration on the go easy. It also cleans easily and doesn't attract mold ― something that can't be said for all portable water bowls. When it comes to a poop-bag dispenser, let style be your guide, as long as the bags are easy to access and it isn't too huge/bulky! After all, you're picking up poop... so pick something you like.

Break Less Wind
Photo Credit: Bark Stix
Bostons and Pugs have a special affinity for clearing a room (Embarrassing confession: Abby likes to snuggle her rump against you, drop a major stink-bomb and then scamper off with a 'Who me?' look). Of course, finding the right diet for your pup is an important factor in aiding digestion and decreasing gas. Nevertheless, finding the right treat to keep the air clean is crucial. I feel good about giving these Bark Stix Fart Busters treats (pictured right) to Abby because they're quality, natural products (plus 'green'-manufactured locally) and Abby just loves them ― oh yeah, and they work! Here's what Bark Stix says about their Fart Busters treats:
'This all meat chicken treat is made from whole Free Range chicken with a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes that can aid digestion and help with those 'aromatic' moments that come between dog and guardian. Like all of our treats they are manufactured in our facility in Northern California. The chickens are locally sourced from small farmers and raised without the use of antibiotics or animal by-products and are fed a vegetarian diet.'

Travel Like a Pro
Photo Credit: Pet Naturals
Abby has service dog tags and goes everywhere with us so it is important to make sure she's well behaved and respectful. (We got truly lucky when I rescued Abby 2.5 years ago; she loves people and rarely makes a sound, which makes her adept at travel.) To ensure a relaxing journey, here are our top 3 favorite natural calming supplements with which we've found success with (and Abby likes): Pet Naturals Calming Treats, Pet Rescue Remedy, or Ark Naturals Happy Traveler (Abby has taken this all-natural, herbal calming formula, though the company more recently debuted the soft chews).
I-GO-2's 5-in-1 Pet Carrier & Colors
When traveling, I also usually give Abby one of my old baby blankets with a spritz of lavender spray, which I also use to freshen her carrier for a more relaxing trip. We've tried several different carriers with varying levels of success. I was seriously starting to feel like Goldilocks when I finally discovered I-GO-2's 5-in-1 Pet Carrier, a pet tote, car seat, shoulder carrier, carrier that can be rolled behind you and a backpack all in one! It seems they may have finally thought of everything as this versatile bag features a telescoping handle, removable pad for easy washing, security tether, and wheel covers to keep your tush and your car clean. The company offers a few different style options and colors in sizes designed for dogs of different weights, one of which was recently on a fantastic sale at Overstock.com. Abby's latest multi-functional carrier (for our big Mama's Last Wish Trip to Venice, Italy) arrived this week and put all of her other carriers to shame! We decided to go with all black and perhaps add a bit of character of our own (stay tuned for pictures).
Everlasting Treat Ball
Keeping your dog busy en route is also important. Abby LOVES small Everlasting Treat Balls, a treat and a toy in one ― seriously, I've never seen her go at something like that before (almost as funny as her eating a carrot like a rabbit)!

A Side Note on Dogs in Clothing...
Abby loves her pink hoodie
On a side note, I used to be totally against clothing on dogs. I also used to have a Bordeuax Mastif who would have looked ridiculous in clothing and certainly never needed it in California. I now have a small dog with short hair who gets cold, even in the mild Bay Area weather. I asked the vet why she shivered; the doc said 'get her a sweater.' Granted, that was in San Francisco, but still. I gave in; Abby loved it and tries to climb back into her warm clothes. Seriously. She's hilarious.

Disclaimer: I'm no vet. I also have received no compensation from these companies. I'm simply sharing products loved by my Lil' Nosy Parker and me!